I started building something

I've no idea how early people usually start talking about things they're building here, but I've been sick at home, playing around with Vulkan for two-three days, and started coding together this hot mess together with my friends C++ and Vulkan:

The first image
The earliest image of the engine with some units

So far, I have about 1200 LOC across two files supporting unit creation, selection, offscreen rendering, lighting, layer composition, text, a 2D camera system, and the vestiges of a plan going forward.

I had the idea to put together what I'm hoping can turn into an open world post-apocalyptic zombie survival RTS. The world has gone under, and we must reclaim and rebuild. Resources are scarce, buildable regions and story progression hidden deep in the darkness, and a whole world of zombies just beyond the border.

In my rough design document, I take inspiration from some of my favourite games like Factorio, They are billions and Frostpunk. No idea how it'll turn out or if I'll even finish anything playable, but right now it's fun to make progress. :v

Unit selection
The last living humans, ready to protect the colony!

Not much more for now, but if it turns into anything intersting I'll try to put out updates and hopefully something playable!

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